The A.E.G.I.S. Digitalization Platform by AEGIS

"It took three research facilities before we got it right, but my God it's going to be beautiful..." -- Makena Dalitso

Because of the inherent danger that comes with direct contact with the Coinlander, Sanctuary-1 Sanctuary-2 Sanctuary-3 was built to contain and isolate the artifact in a secure, sterile location where it cannot be touched by human contact.

Utilizing cutting edge technology and real science™, our team has developed a method to enter this world from a digital medium. Through this magic of modern science we have begun mapping out the world within the Coinlander, which we refer to as: Coinlandia™.

Note: Some scientists have taken to calling The One Coin "The Coinlander". While there is no hard and fast rule against this, the AEGIS corporation urges users to consider the confusion that occurs when referring to both The Coinlander as The One Coin itself, and the person who actually holds The One Coin as The Coinlander.

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